Transitions Signature VII 1.50 FT45
Younger Optics Europe announces the launch of Transitions Signature VII 1.50 FT45 wide segment bi-focal semi-finished lenses.
T7 FT45 lens provides a solution for special demand for wide reading segment on the optical market for variety of ophthalmic patients. They address the demand for children bi-focal lenses when smaller de-centered segment lenses are not suitable. They also provide an opportunity to dispense executive bi-focal eyewear with the full bottom half of the lens for reading.
Until now, FT45 lenses existed only in clear 1.50 material but not with the photochromic treatment. With the T7 FT45 launch, the patients with mentioned requirements will be able to take advantage of the comfort of the superior Transitions photochromic performance.
The T7 FT45 lenses are available in base curves 4,6 and 8 with the add range 0.75 – 3.00 diopters and in Grey and Brown photochromic colours. They can be surfaced by any optical laboratory surfacing equipment.
For additional information please contact Younger Optics Europe customer service
May 21, 2018